rabbit ears


rabbit ears 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an indoor television antenna consisting of two telescoping, swivel-based aerials.
  2. Sports Slang. acute sensitivity to gibes, insults, or sarcasm: Players with rabbit ears are the favorite targets of bench jockeys.

rabbit ears 近义词

rabbit ears

等同于 antenna

更多rabbit ears例句

  1. He was then literally slapped around by the high priest, who pulled on his ears in an effort to produce tears.
  2. With Big Eyes a lot of people, myself included, were glad to see you emerge from the rabbit hole that is the CG world.
  3. If your ears are tired of slick auto-tuned vocals, pick up this disk for an aural detox.
  4. In the show, Sharp has Christopher rock back and forth, groaning, his hands over his ears.
  5. Bowman claims that she told both her agent and an attorney about the incident, but her allegations fell on deaf ears.
  6. Drowned every few seconds by our tremendous salvoes, this more nervous noise crept back insistently into our ears in the interval.
  7. Monsieur,” growls the baron, “stone walls have ears, you say if only they had tongues; what tales these could tell!
  8. The noise of the hammer is always in his ears, and his eye is upon the pattern of the vessel he maketh.
  9. Why he did that, instead of walking around on the shore, Jimmy Rabbit couldn't understand.
  10. Vague murmurs of doubt and surprise reached the ears of two of the British magistrates.